Saturday, December 19, 2009

for the first time in weeks...

and lots of weeks, like 5 or so. maybe less, maybe more. anyway, for the first time in weeks, i actually feel good. and i had a run outside. yeah yeah, it was cold and cold and really cold and all that, but i was outside! and the sun would have been shining had not there been a layer of gunk in the air. but i was outside.

it was glorious, and wonderful, and i feel so much better than i have in a really long time. in fact, i can type faster, i can read better, i can sit still longer, eat more, drink less, lift small vans, clean the house, punish children, fix the paint, dry the carpets, wash my hair, jump high, fly, catch crooks, turn back time, beam myself from 2 places, do laundry, fix the car, defrost chicken, feed the chickens, make lunch, vacuum the floors. it's nice to feel like myself again....


Love, Deborah said...

woo-hoo, it must have been the chocolate covered pretzels! hahahah

Megan said...

Yay! I love that feeling. Hope it stays with you all week.

Trisha said...

I wish I felt like you do when you feel like yourself! i feel like myself when i haven't showered or cleaned the house! :) you know what i mean! love your lazy friend, trisha!