Thursday, May 25, 2006

Boys and water, and sand...

While I was down running on the treadmill, the boys escaped. Harry is officially off track right now, so of course they got up before 7 am. So they went outside.

The sprinklers came on this morning. Our sprinklers are possessed and run on eastern standard time, or something like that. Big d just can't figure out why they go off at 6 am when they are programmed for sometime in the earlier hours of the morning.

There is a broken pipe in our sprinklers that causes the sandbox to flood. You know, standing water. A couple of inches or so.

Add all these things together, and you have my boys. Soggy from head to toe with bits of sand sticking too them. *sigh* They are burying dinosaurs, cars, anything they can find. They are being brothers, the best kind, the kind that share, don't fight and let mom get in her 3 miles, some laundry and hopefully a shower.

I love summertime!


big d said...

i thought i'd figured the sprinklers out too. they don't come on every night! of course, they are programmed for 11pm, so why 6am? oh well. now i get to dig up and repair/replace a broken pipe. oh joy!

~V~ said...

LOL! I had a similar episode with a barn full of $100,000 stallions and a two year old daughter with a water hose. It wasn't pretty.

Stacy said...

I love it when my boys entertain themselves for hours. It makes the day seem so worthwhile... no matter what the mess is!

emlouisa said...

Ah, messes. This is definitely in my future with two boys so close together in age!