Sunday, May 18, 2008

we lost one

one of our sweet little babies died last night. i have my suspicions that it was the one that kept trying to get out of the nest. the one we rescued several times. maybe she just wanted to grow up way too fast, maybe she just wasn't content to live in such a small nest. it makes me feel so sad for mr. and mrs. birdie. out of 4 eggs layed, only 2 hatched. and only one has survived so far.

when i told harry what had happened, he got a sad look on his face, and then he said...

"that is so sad mom. she died before she got the chance to fly"


Stacy said...

What a sweet boy! And how sad & tragic for the poor parent birdies!

Stacy said...

BTW - I tagged you! ;)

Megan said...

Aw. Poor birdies. And what a sweet way to look at things.