Tuesday, September 23, 2008

my dad always said

"you spend a year trying to get them to talk,
and then the rest of your life trying to get them to be quiet"

or something like that.

suddenly our little fussy pants has had an explosion in the whole vocabulary section. he says pretty much anything at this point.

fussy has a cute way of saying "hello". kind of like an old man from the bronx. and then he says "buffalo" like he is busy chewing gum. and he says pretty much everything from "nurse please" to "other side now". to "cows go moo" to "chicken (something something) bok bok bok". the older boys get a kick out of teaching him other words. so now he can say "ewww, yuck!" and "awesome!". and probably a bunch of other words that i am blocking out. he surprised me with "grandpa" the other day. today while we were walking home, he just pointed and told me everything. from "airplane in sky" to "grass" to "flower" to "doggy" to "cat" (at which point he started fussing because the cat ran away.

of course i think he's brilliant

it is fun to see him though. it wasn't so long ago i wished he could tell me what was wrong, and now we are on the edge of that being able to happen.


big d said...

i get the feeling he's thrilled that we finally understand him! like, "how many times have i told you that, and you just now figured out what i meant?!?"

it is fun though.

Anonymous said...

wow!! it's amazing how practically overnight they just explode with language. Samantha's second

Laurel said...

Little babies are so sweet and snuggly, but I think it is so fun when they grow up a little bit and can communicate with you! It's cute to hear their perspective on life.

Star said...

I would love to hear Buffalo! I would also love to hear what his brothers are teaching him!

scraphappymama said...

It's crazy how fast they really do grow up. It's still weird for me to think that in a few months my little one will be talking more than just Mama and Dada.

One Crazy Family said...

He is saying "finally you get it" he has been talking to you for months and at last you understand what he has to say.

He is such a cute little bug -

Tim and Vicky Porter said...

I remember your Dad saying that to me too. :) I can't believe how fast they grow up...

Megan said...

I love that stage. And he's a smart little bugger. I'm impressed he can say all those words!