Wednesday, November 05, 2008

no matter what you say....

children will listen.

anybody know the song? anybody know that show?

well, the song is from the show "into the woods" by stephen sondheim. it's a great song, and one that i think about when ever i am talking or in a discussion with my kids right there. and even a few times, i taken heed and not spewed forth something that was hurtful, or would give my child the wrong impression.

but apparently not everyone thinks that way.

they held elections at school this year. i remembered doing that in elementary school. harry was so proud to come and tell me that he voted for obama. and then he told me that on the playground, other kids were mean to him. they would ask each other who they voted for, and when my son would answer, they would tell him that he was wrong, and that was stupid. they would tell my son that obama was going to take the guns away. obama was going to make all the white people slaves. obama was going to make everyone poor and take their houses away. obama was a terrorist and was going to crash planes into buildings. and other assorted outlandish things.

i wonder what my kid will face going to school today.


Robin said...

I know it! I know it! Evan and I just saw a fabulous production of "Into the Woods" at Hale Centre Theatre last week and I could only hear your voice every time the giant spoke. You were the best!

The black sheep A.K.A Pandora said...

oh crud....we gotta be slaves? I better staock up on sunblock!