Thursday, July 31, 2008
hand hoof and mouth
yeah, it's a disease. ever heard of it. i have. my older two got it several years ago when chilly was just a baby. it was easter when harry came down with this amazingly high fever. it continued for weeks i tell ya. insane misery.
fussy came down with this really weird diaper rash a couple of days ago. i didn't know exactly what it was, only that he wasn't happy. then i noticed a huge mouth sore on his tongue. then i noticed he wasn't sleeping at all. then i noticed that he had these little pimples on his feet and hands. then i was sleep deprived and it took a long time before i put it all together.
he never fevered though. so that was nice. although it might have been nice to know that he was sick before i towed him everywhere. okay, before i took him out to walmart. but it is walmart and you kind of expect childhood illnesses there, right?
could they come up with a dumber name for an illness though? i mean, you know what it is from it's name, not like chicken pox, or measles or something. but at least that was inventive. instead we got the butt version of foot and mouth. yuck. wish me luck that it wont get any worse and that i can start to at least get more than 20 minutes of sleep at a time. i'm not complaining, mostly because composing a coherent sentence it taking all my concentration.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
i miss my parents
i didn't realize how much i talk to my mom. how much i need her. i don't talk to her everyday. but i had several moments this week that i wanted to ask her a question. like what the rash was on fussy's bum. how to make something in a dutch oven. what her recipe for such and such was.
i wonder if my parents miss me like i miss them. probably not. they probably are enjoying their vacation away from all my stupid phone calls!
then that stupid quote about mother and sons comes to my mind. and then i get all sad again.
"a daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son until he takes a wife".
some things i've learned
i mean, i do too, but i thought maybe i was the only one. i recently listed some free stuff on craigslist. and to see the people call and come out was crazy. it was interesting that someone 1 hour away wanted us to hold onto something for him. yeah, we'll call ya!
chocolate cake
pioneer woman cooks had a texas sheet cake. i decided to make my own hand me down recipe. i really love chocolate cake. all the time. and when my kids ask if they can have some, i really don't want to share.
old movies:
harry is so enchanted with "old" movies. okay, so the movies that i used to watch when i was a kid. back to the future is his current favorite. and you know what, they really don't make movies like that anymore.
Friday, July 25, 2008
pioneer day
after the gourmet dinner, we went for a trek. to our local maverick for icee's and ice cream sandies. then we trekked back home to roast mallows and light fireworks....
notice how i'm pretty much obsessed with the chocolate? yeah, you got a problem with that?
mmmmmm, finger lickin' good
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
what we've learned this summer?
harry, protecting our country, learning that he can barely fit into a model
looking presidential in lady bird's air force one, i guess first ladies get smaller planes? how does that make any sense? oh and chilly learned that mom will get a picture for future use when they do become president
being good is not an option
Monday, July 21, 2008
it's the little things in life...
licking the carmel off the pan
knowing what to make for dinner
getting someone else to make dinner
the crusty cheese that spilled onto the pan while making a quesadilla
all the lego's have been picked up
watching an artsy movie with big d
3 more weeks of summer
talking to my mom on the phone
fresh fruit
snuggles from my kids
staying up late talking to big d
add yours...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
what came first? the chicken or
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
on running....again...
week after week, month after month, i upped my miles, figured out fuel, found hydration. my month of may, training wise, consisted of over 200 miles. i ran them all. it was pretty amazing that i was able to do that. i payed for it. my hip started bugging me, and i was dead bored, tired, worn out from running.
then came the race.
then came after the race. i felt so relieved that a major stress was gone. but i was still worn out, and my hip was hurting. i tried downplaying my hip telling people that i just need a week off. but i wasn't so sure myself. it was bad.
i did take the week after the race off. i ran one week after, and although my hip killed me the entire time, i told myself it was getting better. then we had a family reunion and i totally NEEDED my running time. i needed to get out and pound out my frustrations. every time i did, i came home feeling depressed. i was concerned that my hip/leg/knee issue was never going to get better. and i was taking a lot of ibuprofen.
then fussy got sick. and i was really tired. and the air was bad. and i wanted to stay in bed all day. and the kids were out of school. and i didn't get a run in. for a whole week. i felt bad because i really wanted too, i was too tired though. and i was sick of running. and i wasn't training for anything, was i?
after taking a whole week off, i found my groove again. big d and i are back again at running early in the morning. it feels great. my hip isn't bugging me. at. all. my legs are sore, but i haven't run seriously for over 3 weeks...
and the best part? i payed my money for wasatch back 2009. it feels so good to have a goal again. only this time, not only am i going to rock the wb, i'm going to do it faster and stronger. i know what i need to do now. i know what it is all about. i'm going to be so ready for it. in about 11 months.
it came to me, that is why everyone thinks runners are nuts. they kill themselves time after time, doing these amazing races. working on speed and hills and all that. in all honesty, they are just trying to stay motivated.
Monday, July 14, 2008
okay, the post you've been waiting for
this is fussy and me on the conservation carousel at the zoo. he did not like it. he screamed. he cried. and it was almost a minute long. ah poor kid. the things we do to our children.
"hey big d, can you take my picture real quick?" i know, actual pictures of me on my blog...what has the world come too?
and this is my lil' cub scout. i don't know a thing about what is going on in these pictures, i wasn't there ...
i don't approve of this picture. shooting of guns???!!! ah well, i guess i should be voting republican? or, maybe he's the next chuck heston?
just a nice picture....
so there you have it. i am missing a whole sloade of pictures from the family reunion. ah well, i think you get the idea. we really have been busy. i am hoping for some down time for the kids as well as for me. fussy seems to be feeling better, and it would be great to just spend some lazy days at home, right?