Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lunch Anyone?

What is for lunch? That is the question of the day. I hate lunchtime. I hate the standard sandwich route. I usually opt for the cold leftovers over the pb&j. What to do? I am trying to be consistent and give them fresh fruit, vegetables or other food experiences, but it always ends up to be pb&j. Maybe they don't like my cooking, or they are partial to grandma's homemade jam. I'd guess the latter to be true; except in our house, the perfect compliment to peanut butter is honey. While I am thus milling over in my head what to feed my ravenous boys, they seem to be fine. Oh, my boys seem content to eat frozen hostess cupcakes. Me too.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

Thanks for the lunch idea..peanut butter and honey. I have't been grocery shopping in a month and not much food in the house..yipee!! ANother meal to put off hauling 3 kids at Wal-Mart